Produckts update, vers. T2016

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Updating of the apparatuses to the new FIE 2016 rules

  • Full-Arm-05:
    Instruction for the updating to the T2016 version PDF
    Technical information of the T2016 version PDF
    Software versions PDF

  • FA-07:
    Technical information of the T2016 version PDF
    Download free of charge the last version - ZIP file - at the page of the FA-07 ...>>Link

  • FR240:
    It is necessary to replace 2 internal chips, so that FR-240 displays the tenths of second in the last 10 seconds.
    Instruction for the updating PDF

    FIE specifications regarding the new Saber times that are used starting from season 2016-2017 and the identification of the scoring apparatus which satisfy the new times PDF

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